Laura Janda’s Home Page

Email: laura.janda"at"

Address: HSL fakultet, Universitetet i Tromsø, N-9037, Tromsø, Norway

ANNOUNCING TROLLing: The Tromsø Repository of Language and Linguistics

Click on the banner to go to TROLLing, and click here to get the instructional videos and user guide.

Why Russian aspectual prefixes aren’t empty: prefixes as verb classifiers. Laura A. Janda, Anna Endresen, Julia Kuznetsova, Olga Lyashevskaya, Anastasia Makarova, Tore Nesset, Svetlana Sokolova. Bloomington, IN: Slavica Publishers. 2013. 227pp. Find out more about this book HERE and link to the data here. Buy a copy from Slavica Publishers at this link.


Cognitive Linguistics: The Quantitative Turn. The Essential Reader Laura A. Janda (ed.). 2013. De Gruyter Mouton. 321 pp. Buy a copy from De Gruyter Mouton at this link.

Relevant links:

Laura Janda's UiT page

Laura Janda's cv

Laura Janda's publications

Laura Janda's conference presentations

Laura Janda’s Teaching Portfolio: Partnering with Students in the Pursuit of Knowledge

CLEAR Research group (CLEAR = Cognitive Linguistics: Empirical Approaches to Russian)

THREAT-DEFUSER project on Hybrid warfare and a plan to safeguard societies, financed by a grant from the Norwegian Research Council

TWIRLL: Targeting Wordforms in Russian Language Learning, a project financed by a grant from the Direktoratet for internasjonalisering og kvalitetsutvikling av høyere utdanning. See also this site touting TWIRLL as an exemplary project.

SMARTool (Strategic Mastery in Acquiring Rich morphology Tool) for English-speaking learners of Russian; see also our instructional video

SMARTool exercises

Min russiske reise MOOC (FEIDE login required)

SMARTool (Strategic Mastery in Acquiring Rich morphology Tool) for Min russiske reise

Russian Constructicon; see also our YouTube Channel and Construxercize! exercises for use with the Russian Constructicon.

Exploring Emptiness Database

Songs for RUS 0100

Songs for RUS 1001

Songs for RUS 1025

Songs for RUS 2040

Cluster Types for Russian Verbs

Case Book for Russian and Case Book for Czech Interactive Exercises

Letters to political prisoners

Quick link to CRIStin